Client Stories details 2

case study

A leading Jewelry chain enhances uniform internal communication across all branches with REMO.

The Challenge

The client, being a large retailer of jewelry headquartered out of mid DFW area with more than 300 stores, was finding it very difficult to manage, coordinate and collaborate their employees from different stores and offices.     

The details of the offers given by the management to customers during festive seasons, payment options, credit loan rates and stock market values pertaining to each campaign needed to be sent to each employee in each store through email. The organization was operating with no centralized communication of offers or announcements in place. This lead to a juggernaut of slow down productivity and loss of company moral.    

The client was searching for a reliable platform that would allow them to share, manage, and collaborate efficiently while maintaining the required level of security and integrity of the business. Remo found the solution.